
Women of Strength

Think about the daily tasks of life way back when.  Have you heard stories from the days of your great-grandmother about how hard life was – hauling water from the river, scrubbing clothes by hand, working for months to finally get the finished product of bread on the table. Unexpected company?  Go chase the chicken,  kill it, pull the feathers, dress it, and cook it, all before you can feed them.
Many people here in Tanzania, particularly Massai, live life in much the same way as people lived hundreds of years ago.  They walk a long ways to haul from the creek, carrying a -5-gallon bucket on their head.  They are responsible for building the family hut.  They chop firewood to cook a little meal for their family. The list could go on. These are some tough women. I am so thankful that I do not have to live that kind of life.
 Proverbs 31:17
“She girdeth her loins with strength, and strenghteneth her arms.”

The Proverbs 31 woman was anything BUT soft and lazy.  She was not simply a manager in her home, dictating work for everyone else while she sat idle, with soft, non-calloused hands.  No, she put her hand to the plow, so to speak.  Her being physically fit gave her the strength and energy to handle the many demanding tasks in which she engaged.

Sometimes so much money and effort has been put into saving physical exertion, but could it be possible that doing such is not always the best choice? Thanks to many modern conveniences, many have saved too much energy.  Maybe instead of using an electric food processor, how about doing it the old-fashioned way with a metal grater?  How about wiping your floor on your hands and knees, or with an old-fashioned string mop?  The point is – make some purposeful choices that will cause a little more exertion, which will help keep you more physically fit. Many times these choices also help us simplify, spend less money, and keep clutter at bay.I have to admit that I have not done the best at keeping physically fit.  Although I work hard at house work, especially living in Africa, I still don’t have great cardiovascular endurance. But over the last few months I have been putting forth more effort to improve. Since moving to Tanzania, I’ve lost about 30 lbs. I have increased my exercise. I must realize that I will be of better service to my family if I am physically fit.

Your family wants you to stay around for a while.
In order to do that, we need to gird our loins with strength and strengthen our arms.

1 thought on “Women of Strength”

  1. Funny you should mention killing chickens in your blog today. My brother in law was here the other night and we were talking about the way his mother and my grandmother killed chickens.
    Thanks for the comments of my blog. I love to quilt. I usually have a couple in stages of making all the time. Trouble is, I want to keep them and not give them to grandkids. I tell my kids they can fight over them when I am dead and gone.

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