Chidren's Bible Class, Family Matters

Family Vision

I am working on some lessons for a ladies day.  I would like to get your feedback on the following:

These first two questions apply to both males and females:

1.  What goals do you have for your personal spiritual growth, and what are you doing to accomplish those  goals?  Specifics please 🙂

2.  What vision do you have for your family?  What are you doing to help your family accomplish your vision?  Hopefully we all have the vision of our family being in heaven, so please be more specific. 🙂

For females only:
3.  If you had the opportunity to attend a ladies day, what topics would you particularly like to have addressed?

Thanks everyone!

2 thoughts on “Family Vision”

  1. the vision i have for my family is holding hands together in heaven.

    isn't that a beautiful picture?

    i like to hear lessons with very concrete applications….specifics of things i can do or change to be a better christian.

  2. #1 – Goals for my personal spiritual growth include doing better at preparing myself for the bible class I teach on Sunday mornings. At times, I have not been as prepared as necessary and then I feel class does not go smooth. To accomplish this, I am trying to do my own activities to go with the lesson as well as come up with things that will help the kids remember the lesson. Another goal I have is to spend more time reading or studying things at home on my own time or with Aaron. We are working on memory together and then I am trying to get a time or routine established for my own personal study.

    #2 – As far as a vision for our family, we have not done very well with this. Thinking about this, we really need to do better about communicating what exactly we see and how we will get there. We both know that we need to help each other continue to grow and improve, however we don't necessarily do as well at implementing the ideas or things we want to do to aid in our growth.

    #3 – At ladies days, I like to hear lessons that address the importance of women and their roles, but without fluff and stuff. At times, it can be very difficult to be a woman in the church because of the feminist mentality in the world. I also like to hear lessons about any kind of bible subject because women see things from different perspectives and are still able to apply it back to women. One particular area I would like to hear about would be relationships and how we treat each other as women. Another is how women can encourage and strengthen the church without overstepping our boundaries.

    Hope these answers aren't too late!! Thanks for the questions – definitely made me do some self-evaluation. :o)

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