Family Matters

Days Swifter Than a Weaver’s Shuttle

I realize that I haven’t made any blog posts over the past couple of weeks.  Bottom line – right now I have numerous things that are of greater priority than blogging.  Julia is leaving in three days, and  I also have several major projects that need to be finished by the time the rest of us leave for furlough, which is in three weeks.  It seems like time is simply flying by at faster than normal speed, and so I have to pick and choose where to spend my time.  Right now blogging is not one of those things.  So, posts will be sporadic for a little while.  I still pop in and read many of yours when I am able. Hope you all have a great weekend!

3 thoughts on “Days Swifter Than a Weaver’s Shuttle”

  1. Thinking of you as you spend time with your supporters and family. I know this is precious time!

  2. Praying all will go well as you are all planning, packing and traveling. We love you all. Love, Debbie

  3. Whew! Y'all do sound busy! Y'all take care!

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