Chidren's Bible Class

Are You Trustworthy?

Due to being out of town, I wasn’t able to post last week for our Proverbs 31 Bible study, so I’m going to try and make up the one I missed, plus do the one for this week.


The prevailing message of Prov. 31:10-31 revolves around the excellent household management skills of this virtuous woman. Verses 10-12 give an overview of her general excellent character, and then the remainder of the chapter details particular traits relating to the care of her family and the management of her home.

Proverbs 31:11
The heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of gain. (ESV)

Keeping within the context of this particular passage, how does trust in his wife relate to his having no lack of gain?

Money issues are at the top of the list when it comes to marriage woes. I’ve observed many couples over the years and in many, many instances, the wife bears significant responsibility for financial difficulties. The way that a woman manages the household has great bearing on the financial condition of the family.

Some women are not trustworthy because they are deceptive.

* Do you make big purchases without his knowledge or approval?
* Do you “buy now, pay later”- aka charge, perhaps with an account he doesn’t know about?
* Do you hide purchases from him?

You get the picture. If we are deceptive in our spending practices, how can we expect our husband to trust us?

Additionally, it has been my observation that many women have never learned how to effectively run a household, and as a result, have not learned the fine art of stretching the dollar. Learning wise household management can mean the difference between prospering and financial ruin. Part of the wife’s responsibility is to use money wisely, so that unnecessary financial burden is not placed upon the husband. Sorry ladies, but a cart full of boxed mixes, pre-packaged meals, and disposable this and that is not the wisest use of money.

We need to show our husbands that we appreciate them and the work they put forth to provide for the family by being good stewards and managing our resources wisely.

5 thoughts on “Are You Trustworthy?”

  1. Thank you for the truths of God's words – Older women are to teach the younger (and us older ones as well)!

  2. Love your blog! It was the first one I have ever followed! I googled “Church of Christ, homeschool, and something else that I can’t remember” and your blog popped up. We are teaching our children about missionaries and we have you and your family on our prayer list.

    Regarding your post, I wish I could have read your words when I first got married, really before I was even married. Although the Bible is my manual for life, I wish that I had a manual that gave specific detailed instructions for being a keeper at home! I am learning and trying. I didn’t even know how to boil water when I first got married! What you said about stretching a dollar is something that I am constantly striving to do and it is so hard when you have never been taught ways to do that. I do coupon but our dollar needs to be stretched even more….and then stretched more, and more, and a little bit more! Great post!

  3. We sure need more moms teaching their daughters these skills . . . thank you for your post!

  4. Great post, Mom. I wish more people could learn from you as I have!

  5. very good reminder joy.
    hard to hear but very true.

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