In the Kitchen

Tuesday’s Tip

When I think back to when I was a small child, some of my most vivid memories have to do with gospel preachers visiting in our home, sitting around our cramped dining room table, and enjoying my mom's good cooking.  You really don't get to know people until you sit down and enjoy a meal ...


Women of Strength

Think about the daily tasks of life way back when.  Have you heard stories from the days of your great-grandmother about how hard life was - hauling water from the river, scrubbing clothes by hand, working for months to finally get the finished product of bread on the table. Unexpected company?  Go chase the chicken,  ...

Family Matters

Tuesday’s Tip

Since I'm posting a blog every Monday about Prov. 31, I thought it would be nice to follow up on Tuesdays with a homemaking tip.  I think one of the most essential ingredients to running a household is having some organization.  This becomes more critical as more children arrive on the scene, so the sooner ...