Chidren's Bible Class, Family Matters

Principles for Successful Motherhood, Part 1

Have you heard the expression “Put your ducks in a row?” In a nutshell, this idiom means “get your act together.”  Do you want to be a successful mother?  You need to put your ducks in a row. 
For those of us who are already moms, it’s wise to periodically evaluate how we are doing – are there some areas in our lives that need some attention, so that we might be more godly, more focused, more effective in our mothering?  Are you  adequately preparing your daughters for motherhood?
If you are not yet married, NOW is the time to seriously evaluate how you can properly prepare yourself for that life-changing role of motherhood.  Although you may think you are a long way away from becoming a mother, the choices you make now will greatly affect your success or failure in that role.
God has mandated a certain order to this process of becoming a mother:  marriage first, motherhood second.  This has been God’s design from the very beginning.  Only after joining Adam and Eve as husband and wife did God tell them to be fruitful and multiply.  In Paul’s first letter to Timothy, he said that younger widows should marry and bear children, in that order. (1 Tim. 5:14).
I can think of a lot of qualities one needs to possess 
before entering motherhood,
but foundational to  them all is the need to  
Many young women do not respect God’s design for the family; some don’t even see the need for a man and furthermore, they go out of their way to avoid one, even matters of reproduction.  In the online magazine,, there was an article published March 2010 entitled “Sperm and the Single Girl.”  The article asserted that an “urge, deep and primal, is driving single women in their 30’s, women with solid careers and financials, to forget about finding The One and move ahead with having a baby.” These women go down to the local sperm bank and read over a list of desired features.  In addition to  looking at attributes such as ethnic background, height, weight, eye color, etc., some women look for things such as how easily he tans/burns and how much hair is on his chest. They want to know his favorite food and sports, as well as listen to voice samples. Once they settle upon an “ideal donor”, they pay for the desired sperm and proceed with clinical implantation.  This is morally reprehensible.  This is essentially the same process people go through in order to breed animals. 
Every child needs a daddy and a mommy 
who is committed to providing a loving, nurturing environment, 
with the goal of preparing this precious little soul for eternity.
Some wouldn’t dare go as far as the young women mentioned above, but there are many more  young people who do not respect God’s order for creating a family – marriage first, children second.  In May of this year, a Gallup Poll was taken and 59% of the participants indicated that they believe sex between an unmarried man and woman was morally acceptable.  Even in the Lord’s church, there is an epidemic of out-of-wedlock births.  This doesn’t include those who secretly chose to terminate their baby’s life through abortion.
If you are not ready to be a mother, you should not engage in the intimate act that brings children into the world. If you want to enter into the marital union, you must also be ready for the responsibility of parenthood.  Even if you have a plan for timing the arrival of children, we all know that “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”  More importantly, sex outside of the bounds of marriage is sinful. The Bible calls it fornication, and it is included in a list of sins that will keep one from heaven, Gal. 5:19-21.  Being intimate without the benefit of marriage is a completely selfish act, with no regard  for God’s laws, no regard for the spiritual condition of your partner, and no regard for life of the child which could result from the unlawful union.
Having a baby outside of marriage has become so common place that many people think it’s just not that bad any more.  Additionally, parents have swallowed the philosophy that we must protect the fragile egos and self-esteem of children,  and therefore children should not be made to feel guilty about anything.  However, guilt and shame are necessary parts of the repentance process in order to fully appreciate God’s forgiveness. Read David’s mental anguish as he dealt with his sin of adultery (2 Samuel 12, Psalm 51). He was ashamed, he felt guilty, and he humbled himself before God with a repentant heart. If you’ve made sinful choices, you need to experience the guilt; you need to grieve. Can premarital sex be repented of?  Certainly.  Should we treat young women who have conceived a child outside of marriage with compassion?  Absolutely.  Should we forgive those who repent?  If we want God to forgive our own sins, then we must forgive others. But bringing a child into the world without the benefit of marriage is going to bring some life-long consequences.
It’s not good enough to merely select a man, 
you need to select a GODLY MAN.  
Time does not permit me to detail all of the specific qualities you should look for in a potential husband, but suffice it to say that the man you choose to marry will be the father of your children.  He will determine to a great degree how successful you will be as a mother.  Before you decide to love a man – yes, it’s a decision, a choice, not simply an emotion over which you have no control – you need to discuss many things.  What are his beliefs on marriage, divorce and remarriage?  Does he want children?  How many?  What are his views on roles of husbands and wives?  Will he want you to work outside the home?  Does he believe God has given him the responsibility to provide for his family?  How does he relate to children?  Does he get along well with them or does he treat little kids as a bother?  Does he have younger siblings?  How does he treat them? What are his views on child discipline?  What about homeschooling? In which circumstances would he allow himself to forgo worship? Your agreement upon these and many more topics will greatly affect your success or failure as a parent.
Becoming a mother is not a decision to be made lightly.  Bringing a soul into this world is a great responsibility.  Children are a blessing from God and they deserve a godly daddy and a godly mommy, who care about their eternal destiny. If you are already a mother, take time to evaluate your priorities and make needed adjustments.  If you have not yet promised yourself to a man, now is the time to give serious thought about what kind of man will help you be a successful mother, in view of eternity.
In the Kitchen

Tuesday’s Tip

Amazingly, I am doing a blog two days in a row.  This time it’s back to Tuesday’s Tip.  I thought I’d mention two things that I particularly enjoy having for my kitchen.
First, I have a huge marker board on a kitchen wall in which the space is not usable for anything else.  This marker board has been great for several reasons.  We write down things we need to buy the next time we make a trip to the store.  We use it to write down menus for several days at a time, especially when we are planning for company.  Third, we use it to draw silly pictures and write notes back and forth to one another – like this:
Second, quite a long time ago I made a chart which lists various food categories, and then I’ve listed a number of food ideas that fits each category.  The purpose is so that we don’t get stuck in a rut of eating the same things over and over again.  That doesn’t happen to any of you, does it? 🙂  Since we were traveling in the car for several hours today, I decided to use some of my time to create a new list.  I know there are probably some things that I’ve forgotten to include.  Feel free to use it as is, or use it as an idea to create your own list with foods your family enjoys.  And by all means, if you have some ideas, please share!

I hope you all have a great week!

Chidren's Bible Class, Family Matters, Uncategorized

So, Do You Want to Be a Successful Mom?

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “a successful mom”?
Some might think they will be successful if their children are well educated and have a successful career.  Others may view themselves as successful if they have been able to provide an abundance of material possessions for their children, so that the children don’t have to “suffer hardships” that the parents had to endure during their growing up years.  Others are naive enough to think that they are successful merely because their children are attractive physically, or they have great athletic ability.
The fact is:  successful parenting has nothing to do with all of these physical accomplishments, 
but it has everything to do with preparing our children for eternity.
 Speaking of his spiritual children, John said in 3 John 4:
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth” 
Sadly, most parents do not experience this joy.   According to a study conducted by Lifeway Research, 70% of young adults stopped attending church regularly for at least a year. As grim as those statistics are, I believe that there are a growing number of young adults who long for something different.  Many of you have watched friends and family suffer because they have not chosen proper Biblical values for their families and they have suffered the consequences of their poor choices.  Maybe you’ve experienced problems in your own family and you have come to the point where enough is enough – you want something different, something better for your family, and you are willing to make some drastic changes in order to make things better.
            Have you dreamed about being a mom?  Maybe you are not yet married, and you are praying for God to bless you with a godly man and a family of your own.  Are you preparing yourself NOW to be a successful mom?  Did you know that there are many things you ought to be working on NOW in order to be that successful mom in the FUTURE?  If you are already a mother, what are you doing to train your children to “walk in the truth?”  Are you preparing your sons to be spiritual leaders and helping them to develop a heart that will enable them to love their future wife life Christ loves the church (Eph. 5:25)?  Are you training your daughters to embrace the role that God has especially designed for her (Prov. 31:10-31; 1 Tm. 5:14; Titus 2:4)?  Are YOU embracing the role that God designed especially for you?
            You may or may not agree with everything said here, but I ask you to be honest with yourself and be willing to look at the Scriptures.  The Bible tells us that when we do things God’s way, people will think we are strange.  I guarantee you that parenting with God’s plan will definitely cause people in the world to think you are strange, weird, and different.  Are you ready to be weird?  Stick around. 🙂
Family Matters, Missions

Across the Miles

It’s been a while since I’ve written on my blog and I’m itching to get back to it.  The past two months have been so crammed with studying for various speaking obligations, visiting with family, and traveling from place to place, that I just haven’t had the time or energy for much else. Here is an overview of our last two months:

Arrived in Oklahoma July 6. Two and a half weeks were spent doing last minute preparations for Julia’s wedding.  A trip to Missouri was fit into that two and half weeks.  We flew to California July 27th.  We spent time with family, visited five different congregations who have helped us financially one way or another.  I also gave two lessons at a ladies day.  One day we spent a few hours in San Francisco, and on another day we went to Yosemite.  We flew back to Oklahoma July Aug. 24.

We spent one night with Julia and Lee, and then hit the road again, this time heading east.  We visited a congregation in Muskogee, OK, then after services met up with an online friend whom I’d never met before, then continued east.  We spent a week in Sevierville,TN where were had the privilege of attending Polishing the Pulpit.  George spoke once and I spoke twice.  Our family then took a couple of days for some family time and went to a bluegrass festival in North Carolina.  (Anyone who knows us knows there are certain family members who are especially interested in this genre of music, and we all enjoyed the day very much).

Back to Knoxville we went, where we spent the weekend with Jody and Evelyn Apple.  We then made our way to Cleveland where we spent a couple of nights.  We had the opportunity to meet a couple for lunch, the Marshalls. who were responsible for their congregation donating money so that we could print some evangelism booklets which George has written.

We now find ourselves in South Carolina, where we will spend the weekend visiting with the North Charleston congregation.  After the weekend we will head back to Knoxville, so that all of us can make a visit to a dentist for what will hopefully be only routine cleanings.  We’ll have a few more stops and then Roundhouse will be kind of like our grand finale before heading back to Africa October 6.

It’s all been good, but I’m definitely ready to be in one place for a while, and since my home is in Africa, I’m ready to go home.  I am looking forward to unpacking my suitcase!

One of the lessons I delivered a lesson at PTP was on the topic of being a successful mom. I certainly don’t claim to be a perfect mom – there’s no such thing, but I do know that it is possible to be a successful mom if we look to God’s word for instructions, and then we make the firm resolve to live it.

IIt’s too long to post in one blog entry, so I’ve decided to do a series of blog entries on the topic, so be forewarned. 🙂  I’m thinking about posting this particular series on a certain day of the week, doing one per week.  We’ll see.

Have a great weekend!