Today George preached a great lesson on the Responsibilities of Husbands and Wives. Unfortunately, the time restraints did not allow him to cover nearly as much as needs to be said on the topic, but for an introductory lesson there was plenty of meat for people to chew on.
One of the introductory points came from Romans 9:20:
You may be wondering: What does this verse have to do with husbands and wives? The point is this: God is the Potter, we are the clay. God is the Creator and He knew what He was doing. He designed the marriage relationship as He knew what would be best for us, whether we understand it or not.
As I ponder the lesson we heard today, I would like to kindly suggest that many women, including women in the church, have a problem with God’s plan. I will admit that being in subjection is not always easy. It is sometimes quite difficult. But that still does not give me the right to question the Creator, as if insinuating He didn’t quite get it right, and it does not give me the right to preempt God’s plan.
I heard a woman “joke” about submission with a Christian brother, saying “We teach it, but we don’t practice it.” Oh really? I’ve also heard Christian women express outright their dislike for passages such as Ephesians 5:23,24 which teach that the husband is the head of the family and that the woman should submit herself to her husband. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he – in this case “as a woman thinketh in her heart so is she”. Maybe you know better enough than to try to assume the leadership role outright, but what about being sneaky, or manipulating your husband with crying or emotional games in order to get your way? Such behavior is not pleasing to God. If you dislike God’s plan for you, if you resent the fact that you ought to be in submission to your husband, then I can almost guarantee that you are not the submissive wife that God wants you to be and that you have some trouble spots in your marriage.
Yes, I realize that men sometimes have their own struggles in the realm of being proper leaders of their families. However, that does not negate OUR responsibility to be a submissive helpmeet. The ONLY time we have the authority to disregard the will of our husband is if he wants us to do something that is contrary to the will of God. And even then, one’s attitude still needs to be godly. In other words, God didn’t give us the freedom to be in subjection only when we think he has a good idea!
Ladies, the world has painted a picture that is drastically different from God’s design. When we compare ourselves to the world we might be tempted to think that we aren’t doing so badly…but the world is not our standard. I challenge each of us to do some self-examination in view of God’s plan in regards to submission. How are you doing?