
On a Roll

I guess I’ve been in a sewing mood, because I’ve been doing lots of it.  I have had extra incentive of trying to turn my huge pile of smaller pieces of material and scraps into something useful and hopefully cute. Yesterday was Aubrey’s birthday (daughter of fellow missionaries) and I decided to make her a dress and little purse to match. It was a perfect fit!

I’ve wanted to make Kylie (Aubrey’s baby sister) something and so I decided to make a little hat for her. It’s been quite warm here, so I thought a little hat to help protect her beautiful, fair skin would be just the thing! I don’t think it will shade her eyes as much as I had hoped, so I have another project in mind.

So, that’s been my creative streak this week.  Have you made anything crafty this week?


It’s Finished!

Last year when we went on furlough, Linz and I took a trip to Joann Fabrics (can you say self-control?) and I had Linz pick out some material for a quilt. I had not yet made one for her, and so that was to be my next project once we returned to Tanzania.  I don’t remember exactly when I started cutting pieces out, but I do know that I had the top finished by the time we moved here in January. Now….tada…it is finished! I am very happy with the way it turned out…Linz did great picking out the colors and the pattern, don’t you think?

Hmmmm….I wonder what my next project should be? Last year I also bought some assorted black and white material to make a quilt for me, but I haven’t decided on a pattern yet. I guess I need to look into that. 🙂 I think I’ll let my fingers take a rest for a little bit. I have not caught on to quilting with a thimble, so the tips of some of my fingers are a little sore.


Count Your Blessings

Our neighbor's laundry, spread across the ground to dry in the sun. The shack in the background is their chicken house.

Sometimes our blessings we forget, counting we ignore.

Take a moment to reflect; you’ll discover you have more…

You have more than many in this world, much more than you deserve,

So, make time to thank the One who gave, and then go out and serve.

Chidren's Bible Class

A Door of Opportunity

How many times have you prayed or have heard someone pray for God to “open a door of opportunity”?  In a religious context, the phrase is usually used in reference to God working in our lives through providential means.  Though the exact phrase is not found in Scripture,  the concept is certainly there.

Concerning Paul and Barnabas,  Luke wrote  “And when they arrived and gathered the church together,  they declared all that God had done with them,  and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles” Acts 14:27.

Paul wrote:

“for a wide door for effective work has opened to me,  and there are many adversaries”  1 Corinthians 16:9.

“At the same time,  pray also for us,  that God may open to us a door for the word,  declare the mystery of Christ,  on account of to which I am in prison—”  Colossians 4:3.

It is not difficult to see God’s open doors within the Scriptures,  especially when we have the privilege of reading the “rest of the story”  as recorded by the Holy Spirit.  But what about today?  Does God open “doors of opportunity”?  We can be confident that He does because the Scriptures indicate such.  I’m sure that many of us have looked back at various events in our lives and find it remarkable how everything seemed to fall into place and we happily  assert that “God opened the door.”  While it is always right to recognize God’s power,  we cannot  with absolutely certainty  point to certain specific events in our lives and declare that it was the work of God.  It would be more appropriate to say,  as Paul did,  that perhaps such and such happened as a result of God’s providence (Philemon 15,16).

It is also important to realize that God is not going to “open a door of opportunity” for us that leads us to do something that is contrary to His will.  There are many circumstances in life in which opportunities seem to present themselves , yet we dare not attribute it to God.  For example,  let’s say there is a Christian who has been jobless for several months and he prays to God,  asking for God to “open a door of opportunity”  for him to find a job.  If suddenly there comes available an employment opportunity to be a bartender,  may the assumption be made that God worked that out?  Hardly not.  Should a woman assert that “God opened that door”  when in fact,  it was a door that led her to do something that is clearly outside of God’s prescribed role for her?  No. If anything,  it might be Satan opening a door as a way of temptation.

Sometimes we are guilty of wanting something so badly,  be it a possession,  a position,  or whatever,  that we push and kick,  and finally when the door opens,  we say that God opened it.   Have we considered the fact that we are the ones who forced the door open,  rather than allowing God to work out what is best?

God does,  indeed,  open doors of opportunity.  He will not open a door  that leads us to sin. (James 1:13).  When and how He chooses to work providentially in our lives, we cannot state with certainty,   but we can be certain that He does.  If you are interested in further study on the topic of God’s providence, you can go here.