Chidren's Bible Class

What’s a Guy To Do?

Over the past few months there have been a lot of articles, blog posts and status updates on facebook, all urging and encouraging modesty, mostly towards the feminine sector of society and more specifically, women in the church. Sometimes it is well received, and other times it is not. There is no doubt that modesty ...

Chidren's Bible Class

A Door of Opportunity

How many times have you prayed or have heard someone pray for God to "open a door of opportunity"?  In a religious context, the phrase is usually used in reference to God working in our lives through providential means.  Though the exact phrase is not found in Scripture,  the concept is certainly there. Concerning Paul and ...

Chidren's Bible Class, Family Matters, Homeschooling

It’s That Time of Year Again…New Planners, New Books, New Resolve

It's that time of year again when most American families are getting ready for another school year.  Whether your children attend public school,  private school,  or you choose to homeschool your children,  a certain amount of planning and preparation usually takes place. We have been a homeschooling family from the time our children began their  "formal"  ...