In the Kitchen

Aroma Therapy = Baking Bread

I love the smell of baking bread!  It beats the smell of our neighbor’s hogs any day. Today I decided to add a little twist to baking bread, and that was to fill bread with pieces of beef (left-overs) and some cheese, making a stuffed sandwich roll. (I guess you could say they are like hot pockets, but really, there is NO comparison to the cardboard things called “Hot Pockets” found in the freezer section of your local grocery store.)  I divided the dough into appropriate portions for individual-sized sandwich rolls.  One by one I rolled out a piece of dough, arranged a layer of meat and cheese, and then rolled them up, being careful to seal the ends and edges. After placing them on the cookie sheet, seam side down, I let them rise again and then baked them.  We each had one for supper, and I managed to put another five in the freezer.  I wonder how long they will stay there?

10 thoughts on “Aroma Therapy = Baking Bread”

  1. This is so clever! I saw Jennifer’s picture on facebook today, and the kids and I will be trying this tomorrow. 🙂 I’m also thinking this might be a good meal for us to make ahead and freeze for Roundhouse. My kids are SO excited, and I know they’ll love them. Thanks for the idea! 🙂

  2. That's so nifty!

  3. Oh my goodness! Those look delicious! I agree with Naomi…there would be absolutely NO leftovers here at our house! ha ha Yay! For homemade bread!

  4. What a wonderful idea! I'm sure they would be a hit around here! heh heh! We wouldn't even have any to freeze!

  5. Well, they didn't last long. 🙂 We had the rest of them for lunch today. I guess I need to make some more!

  6. Not long if I was there!! But probably not long with your boys there either! What a good idea and your loaves look beautiful. Have a wonderful day!

  7. Yummy!!! I can almost smell them!!

  8. Those look wonderful! I'll have to try that when I bake my sourdough bread this next week. Thanks for sharing the idea.

  9. Looks delicious! Sounds like a great idea. I'll have to brainstorm some fillings… tacos? chicken something-or-other? maybe plain ol' beans and rice! Thanks, Joy!

  10. Yum!! What a great idea – bet they won't last long in the freezer…

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