In the Kitchen

Aroma Therapy = Baking Bread

I love the smell of baking bread!  It beats the smell of our neighbor's hogs any day. Today I decided to add a little twist to baking bread, and that was to fill bread with pieces of beef (left-overs) and some cheese, making a stuffed sandwich roll. (I guess you could say they are like ...

In the Kitchen

Our Daily Bread

One of the blessings that I received while growing up was sitting at the kitchen counter, visiting with my mom while she cooked. Watching her and helping her in the kitchen was great preparation for my future. Over the past 24 years of marriage, I have spent countless hours in the kitchen. Unlike some ...

In the Kitchen

English Muffins

Living in Africa presents a few challenges in the food department. Some food items are available in larger towns, such as Arusha, but so far, have not been found here in Moshi. I make a lot of our own bread, since the bread choices are pretty limited here. Yesterday, I tried my hand at making ...